Manufaturing and planning

S&OP 1/2 Day Online Sales & Operations Planning Workshop

Price – $395.00

SKU: S&OPHalfDay


Sales and operations planning (S&OP) BASIC  – With a minimum class size of 4 people, we examine the various functions and decisions to align the croiss functional business elements, to get eveyone on the same page.  This half day workshop which can also be delivered ONLINE, gives you the basic structure to get started.  The executive/leadership team needs to focus on strategic objectives first and with cross functional engagement to aim towards synchronization inside your organization.  The S&OP process includes developing an updated consensus forecast that informs a sales plan, a production plan, a resulting inventory plan or a customer lead time (backlog) plan, a new product development plan, a strategic initiative plan and resulting financial plan.  Planning frequency and planning horizon depend on the specific industry requirement.  Product life cycles and demand volatility dictate the level of control and horizon within the S&OP, (monthly) updates, depending on type of products and demand/supply patterns.  When applied well, with cross-functional participation, the S&OP process enables proactive and more cost-effective supply chain management.

A properly implemented S&OP process routinely reviews customer demand and supply resources to evaluate changes or periodic impacts to PROACTIVELY “re-plan” quantitatively across an agreed rolling horizon. The process focuses on changes from the previously agreed sales and operations plan, while considering strategic objectives and initiatives to support performance goals.   Accountable and Single plan of Record.


What attendees will learn in the program

  • Describe Sales & Operations Planning that supports the Value Chain
  • Discuss the alignment of the business to the strategy
  • KPI’s, measuring ROI, Maximum profit at Minimum cost
  • Forecasting and understanding Demand Patterns
  • Inventory & Demand Management in a BALANCED supply chain
  • Risk Analysis
  • Impacts of decision making and or changes
  • Performance KPIs and process management